A Thank You Note
"Bowl of Beauty" Acrylic 12 X 12"
"Perhaps there are artists out there who never forget, creators who know in their bones every minute of the day what they are here to do and why they are doing it. Perhaps there is a state of awareness one reaches where doubt does not enter and fear can find no home. But for now, when I find myself forgetting, I am grateful for those in my life who help me remember..." -Jan Phillips
To say that the life of an artist can be difficult is a bit of an understatement. The very nature of my work dictates that I spend most of my waking hours alone. I press on without the benefits of a job description, pay structure, quarterly reviews, sick days or paid vacations. I stand before my easel for hours, trying to share thoughts and ideas that are sometimes only half formed in my own mind. I struggle to validate both the choices I make with my brushstrokes and those I have made with my life. It is daunting and lonely work. The moments when what I feel in my heart makes it way to the canvas are deeply gratifying yet fewer than you might imagine.
This is why you are so important to me and to thousands of other artists like me.
Thank you, for "liking" my work when I share it on Facebook. Thank you for all of your "pinning" and "tweeting" and "sharing". Thank you for commenting and engaging in even that brief conversation with me. In all of these ways, you buoy up my spirit. Through these actions you give me the strength I need to go back to my easel, pour out more paint and a bit more of my heart.
I just wanted you to know what a difference you have made in my journey.